Silly Safaris is the leading provider of LIVE animal conservation education in Indiana providing over 3,000 conservation inspiring live animal shows every year throughout the United States of America.

The Silly Safaris mission is to create positive human animal interactions that inspire responsible pet ownership and wild animal conservation.

A Silly Safaris LIVE Animal show is the perfect blend of fact and fun for all ages! Silly Safaris keeps the entire audience involved. Special guests from the audience join each animal for a game that teaches about the natural world. You’ll see a variety of reptiles, mammals, birds and bugs for an experience everyone will remember. Teachers and Families love Silly Safaris, teens enjoy our hip cultural references, and adults try to catch our comedy!


Silly Safaris Station is NOT open to the public. We are usually out doing conservation education programs and not always around to receive visitors.


Call 888-560-6726 or 317-862-9003 to schedule a show


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Appointments are accepted for business related meetings and tours.

12106 Southeastern Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46259


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[wc_googlemap title=”Silly Safaris, Inc.” location=”12106 Southeastern Avenue, Indianapolis, IN 46259″ zoom=”10″ height=”250″ title_on_load=”no” class=””]
